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Meet Chiropractor Brian McElroy

Chiropractor Downpatrick, Dr Brian McElroyA GP Suggested Chiropractic

When I was a teenager, a GP suggested that I look into Chiropractic as a career choice. I had never heard of Chiropractic before, but after researching it and visiting a few different Chiropractic offices, I knew it was the career for me!

A Natural Health Education

I studied at AECC (Anglo- European College of Chiropractic) in Bournemouth, England. The course lasted five years although at times it felt like much longer! But, work hard and play hard was my motto, and in my five years had many an adventure and made a friend or two.

Outside of the Practice

Dr. Brian McElroy & Family at ChristmasI am married to Ciara (our Practice Manager) and we have been blessed with four amazing children: Christopher, Aaron, Niamh and Ryan. As a family, we embrace the Chiropractic lifestyle and generally try to use natural health care as the first option. Chiropractic adjustments have had a profound and positive effect on our children’s health!

That’s not to say that we haven’t needed an occasional trip to A & E (our daughter needed a stitch in her lip after ‘twirling’ when she was 3!)  Kids will be kids after all! All of our children who all play Gaelic football, hurling, netball & go skiing all get their adjustments before and after their matches and competitions! We believe that Chiropractic and natural healthcare is a key ingredient for a long and vibrant life.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what Premier Chiropractic Centre does, contact us today! We look forward to speaking with you.

Meet the Chiropractor | 028 4483 9560